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Elektrárňa Piešťany

Konverizia objektu na zábavno-vzdelávacie centrum pre deti



autori: Ing. arch. Vladimír Hain, Ing. arch. Michal Ganobjak

spolupráca: Design factory, o. z., ADOM M studio

vedúci práce: doc. Ing. Eva Kráľová, PhD.

rok: 2008/2009


oficiálna stránka:




Stará elektráreň na Staničnej ulici č. 51 v Piešťanoch bola postavená v roku 1906. Elektráreň aktívne slúžila do roku 1945. Pre svoje technické a architektonické hodnoty bola zapísaná do zoznamu národných kultúrnych pamiatok. Traduje sa, že každý Piešťanec mal v nej svoju tehlu. Túto myšlienku rozvíja návrh jej rekonštrukcie, ktorý má ambíciu v nej vytvoriť miesto pre každého. Nové „Eureka centrum“ typu hands-on science predstaví svet energií najmä deťom a mladým, pritom vytvára priestor pre invenciu a kreativitu. Plánované dokončenie prvej fázy je leto 2014.

Hands-on-science centre and power generation museum in the city of Piestany has centered on a landmark building of a municipal power station from the Registry of the Slovak National Heritage. Built in 1906 and on active power generation duty until 1945 and later used as a transformer station until 1994, the building has been left behind ever since as an abandoned warehouse condemned to eventual demolition or self-destruction.

Preservation effort started in 2008 with the announcement of a public competition of architecture students; the winning proposal is now being executed under the supervision of certified professional architects. EON Foundation and Design Factory has continued working with the two-member winning team (Ing. arch. Michal Ganobjak, Ing arch. Vladimír Hain), under the guidance of Associate Professor Eva Kráľová. Their mission can be summarized by a question – How can we make the museum become living, dynamic place, friendly and attractive for young people but also all those who treasure history of technology? The power plant will host the Science Centrum whose mission is the education of children and youth in the area of energy use and conservation.



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